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Q&A with Top Mum Blogger Cass Chapman

Posted on: March 16, 2015 9:41 pm

Cass Chapman is a leading food and travel journalist with over 20,000 followers on her blog site. She lives in Dorset at  Shell Bay with her husband, Jamie and their daughter, Lola. She has written for Vogue, Elle, GQ, The Telegraph, CNN Traveller, The Sunday Times Travel Magazine, Glamour, House & Garden, The Independent and British Airways High Life magazine, amongst others.

Cass will be attending the Blog Brunch events and answers our Q&A’s.

Q: Is health and happiness the single most important thing in your home?

A: Well, really, what else is there?

Q: What things do you do to keep your family healthy and happy?

We are lucky enough to live on the beach so we do a lot of outdoor stuff. Lola loves climbing in the sand dunes and we love strolling. I was raised that children should be outside everyday no matter what the weather and, unfortunately for her, I live by the same principle as much as possible. My husband is a wonderful chef so we’ve very into healthy eating as much as possible which, I swear, make a huge difference to how everyone feels both mentally and physically.

Q: What brands do you absolutely love and which ones do you despise? And why?

A: I just heard some horror stories about Johnson’s baby products so that doesn’t cross the threshold anymore. Ever. I adore as an alternative the Child’s Farm products. I was introduced to them last year and they are wonderful. I also try and buy organic where possible too. The Ella’s Organic range was big hit in our house when Lola was smaller.

Q: Are there any health issues you would like to know more about?

A: I find too much enquiry on one particular topic can make me super paranoid (hence I never look stuff up online!) but I am keen to know more about lifestyle changes, choices and products that are worth considering.

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