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Introducing Tough Mother

Posted on: September 5, 2018 10:30 am

This autumn, Talk to Mums is launching Tough Mother. And we need your help! Don’t worry, we’re not expecting you to run marathons or submerge yourself thigh-deep in mud. We’re simply looking for inspiring women across the country to feature each month on our blog and in our newsletter. We’re looking for real-life mums who go that extra mile for their families, and who deserve a special recognition for their efforts. Real-life mums who aren’t afraid to share the realities of parenting, as well as their tips for keeping it all together. Do you know a tough mother? If so, share a picture with us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, using the hashtag #T2MToughMother. Tell us why you nominate this tough mother and who knows, we may feature her next on the blog!

Introducing The Piplets!

Today we introduce you to our very first Tough Mother, Claire, busy mum of six children. Three of those children are triplets! For up-to-date photos and a sneak peek into Claire’s life, find her on Instagram ( ) and Facebook ( ). Today Claire shares with us her tips for keeping on top of her busy household, as well as the things that work for her family. Whether you’re a working mum, a stay-at-home mum, have one child or a whole brood, our new series aims to bring you real-life stories of real-life mums. Take it away Claire!

Tip 1 – Sometimes you’ve just got to go with the flow. After having her children, Claire had to go straight back to work. Literally four days after giving birth! “We’d just bought a new business so we couldn’t afford for me to take time off,” explains Claire. “The babies slotted right into our lives and we found that work/life balance as we went along.”

Tip 2 – We don’t set rules. Some families swear by a set routine and a list of rules, others prefer to take things as they come. “There are no strict rules in our house,” says Claire. “This doesn’t mean we turn up late for school, but instead we work together to ensure the house runs smoothly.” Claire finds assigning tasks such as loading the washing machine and taking the dishes to the sink really helps.

Tip 3 – You are enough. Often we can get caught up in work and household chores. Modern life is hectic right?! Claire finds that instead of pocket money, the greatest gift she can give her kids is her time and attention. “They’ve never had pocket money,” states Claire. “They might get treats here and there but what’s most important to me is to giving the kids as much of my attention as is possible.”

And finally, Claire shares with us who inspires her the most. “It has to be my Nan. She also had six children and she is a complete inspiration. She’s very much like me too in the sense that outside of being a mother, she was very athletic, enjoying netball in any spare time she had!”

Do you Know a Tough Mother?

We’re on the hunt for women who inspire, motivate and empower. Is that you? Or perhaps you know someone who you’d like to nominate? If so, share with us a picture on social using the hashtag #T2MToughMother. Write a few lines on why this mum is an inspiration and you never know, we might just feature her!

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