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T2M Mumbassadors™

Brooke Richie Brooke Richie

Working with Talk to Mums is a fantastic experience. It’s lots of fun being involved with various brands and sharing feedback with other mums. Being part of this friendly network has many great rewards and I thoroughly recommend signing up. It’s quick, easy and best of all its free.

Emma Downey Emma Downey

I’ve worked with Talk to Mums for the last few months and its been awesome. It’s a place to share tips, tricks and recommendations which will resonate with other busy mums. It’s easy to sign up. It’s fun and we’re a friendly bunch.

Michelle O’Connell Michelle O’Connell

Working with Talk to Mums is great. It’s a fabulous community where you can meet other Mums and as a mum of three myself, its great to have extra support. It’s also fun and exciting trying new products that we love! It’s so quick and easy to sign up.

Kim Bailey Kim Bailey

As a mum I’m always wanting to try new products and brands, since joining Talk to Mums I have managed to do so and connect with like minded mums. To give my thoughts and opinions and to share with many others. It’s quick and easy to sign up for free and connect with fellow Mums.

Gemma Knell Gemma Knell

I love working with Talk to Mums it’s easy to sign up and set up a profile on their website and I’ve been able to enjoy trailing new products and connecting with other Mums.

Emma Bradley Emma Bradley

I have been working with Talk to Mums since the beginning and have recommended other mums to join up. I have enjoyed being part of the team and giving out product samples in my local community. It is a great way to earn some extra money and also to get chatting to other mums – nothing is more of an ice breaker than giving them new products to try! I am proud to work with Talk to Mums and look forward to more projects.

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